E info@sikmulga.com
10F, 704, Seolleung-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
서울특별시 강남구 선릉로 704, 10층 610호
Yunsang Shim
Landscape / Floral Designer
Dankook University
| Bachelor of Agriculture
& Landscape
M Florist Academy
| Korean Florist 4 years Course
(BUGA) Heilbronn, Germany 2019
| Gold Medal
InAh ChoiLandscape Architect
Hankyong University
I Bachelor of Landscape Architecture
I Licensed Landscape Architect
I Educated Tree Doctor
Gyuyoung Moon
Carpentry Experience
I Sepcialist in structural fabrication
I 8 years of experience in garden design, timber house construction and landscaping carpentry
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